One Family’s Story


Scott Gorshein

Jul. 28, 2023

When we started on the journey to becoming fathers, we tried to plan for everything. We had chosen the healthiest embryos, found an excellent surrogate and held her hand through the whole process. During labor, our son arrived vaginally without problem. Then, 45 minutes went by, and we knew our daughter was in trouble. Our new family was immediately separated: our daughter rushed by ambulance to the NICU and our son remained at the birth hospital. After a few weeks, we were all home safe and sound, including our surrogate.  

Not much time passed before the differences in the twins’ development became evident. It was clear to me that Lucy, our daughter, was not a typical baby like her brother, Jack. As the months went by, more and more signs made it obvious that Lucy was delayed. Jack rolled over right on schedule at 6 months, but Lucy took a few extra weeks. Jack met every speech milestone, where Lucy wasn’t exhibiting any language development at all. I didn’t know where to turn for any explanation or confirmation. All our doctors maintained that no diagnosis could be made until age three. So, I turned to my own initiative and used internet resources to diagnose Lucy with CP. It was only then that I could mourn the daughter I thought I would have, making room for the incredible child I was given. I began to understand how important EI therapies were to Lucy’s potential, and with full investment sought to get her as much help as possible.   

Lucy was referred to early intervention to start therapy.  But we still wanted to understand her development and if she was delayed or if something else was going on.  We were do thankful we could attend a High-risk Infant Follow-up Program that evaluated her for Cerebral Palsy in her first year of life.  Early detection of Lucy’s Cerebral Palsy has opened many doors to treatments we would not have received.  I’m grateful for all of the services that Lucy receives, and I hope that her example may help others get help even sooner.